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Haven | Summerdown |
Population | 6 |
Connections | LOCATION_CON |
Moonfish location 1 | Moonfish like to come and play,
In any pond on even days. |
Gooseberry location 1 | Goosey, goosey gander,
In Summerdown your berries wander. |
Cabbage location 2 | Cabbage fears hot nor cold,
Nor rain nor shine if truth be told. |
Whistleroot Use | Tummy strong and heals nice,
Whistleroot gives your muscles spice. |
Sunflower location 1 | Found in gardens against the wall,
Sunflower grows oh so tall. |
Nightberry location 2 | Ice breath ghosts across the farm,
Nightberries sleep to keep themselves warm. |
Poppy location 1 | Poppy red, Poppy red,
In Summerdown, the home of bread. |
Bowing Nancy location 2 | Bowing Nancy hides her head,
when Summer's baking days are bred. |
Eel | Ongated. | Night |
Pike | It's just a fish, stupid boy. | |
Rainfish | Catch them with precipitation. | When Raining |
River Trout | I had to trawl the internet for puns. | Evening |
Moonfish | Full of themselves. | Night On Even Days |
Minnow | Teeny tiny guys! | Morning |
Cursefish | I swear I caught one... | During a Storm |
Flagfish | Don't wave at them. | Not Winter When it's Windy |
Firefish | How can this possibly exist? | Not Autumn When it's Sunny |
Silverscale | Shimmers like shimmery things. | Daytime |
Cointail | A bit rich. | |
Salmon | It's a salmonidae. | Not Winter |
Weed Skimmer | In a rush. | Daytime |