River Trout

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I had to trawl the internet for puns.

1 7
2 10
3 13
4 16
5 19
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Here's a tip. Catch Trout at Dusk. So much nicer.
An Level 3 (or higher) rod can add quality to whatever you catch.
Oi! Did you know this? I bet you didn't! Well, what is it, I hear you ask? River Trout! Yes! River Trout! Have a pig with you when you catch one. Extra yum. You can go now.
I think my nan told me that she used to fish up River Trout in the second week of Autumn, and that they always made my gramps happy as Larry. Odd cos his name was also Larry.
River Trout (Location Proverb 1)
In any river you will see, River Trout happy as can be.
River Trout (Location Proverb 2)
When sun has gone but before the night, River Trout wake and like to bite.
River Trout (Use Proverb)
To avoid the bugs when they're about, Build your being with River Trout.



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Edward Wood


Fish PieSwimming in gravy.
Serf & TurfIn a rusticky sauce.


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