Little Sap

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Quite a transformation.

1 14
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4 32
5 38
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Evening is the time to pick Little Sap. I heard that from a tiny chap.
Spring is the optimum time to get the best Little Sap.
Sshhh, tell nobody, but if you find Little Sap while creeping around in the fog, then it has much more power. Sshhhh.
If you want better Little sap, take a pet, as easy as that!
Little Sap (Location Proverb 1)
In secret glades of Tir Na Nog, Little Sap seeps from arcane logs.
Little Sap (Location Proverb 2)
On the day of worship seek, A withered tree in secret deep.
Little Sap (Use Proverb)
Little Sap shrinks that stomach swell. But will shrink your body as well!



The Incredible Shrinking FlanYou should see a shrink.


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