Bumper Book of Brotherly Chuckles
Bumper Book of Brotherly Chuckles by Chief Kegwin
A lady killed by her own clothes was a fashion victim.
Did you hear about the compost tycoon? He was filthy rich.
I keep a ruler in my pocket for good measure.
Scented candles get on my wick.
I found a missing limb at the foot of our stairs.
They say a good invisible man is hard to find.
I had a hobby horse. He loved board games, sewing and collecting butterflies.
The best quality gunpowder you can't hold a candle to.
I was going to open the world's smallest tavern. Well, that was my inn-tent.
Do tree-men have woodpeckers?
I gave my friend a boomerang as a gift with the message 'Many Happy Returns' on it.
Ground beef. Shredded pork. Sorry I am just mincing my words.
At the new pet protection home, there isn't room to swing a cat.
I dream of filled pastry in the clouds, but it is just pie in the sky.
A highwayman said, "stand and deliver", so I stood up and took my liver out.
I made a bird out of cowpats. It was a stool pigeon.
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