Sweet Moss

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A model of sweetness.

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Winter Sweet Moss is the standard, said some gnome fella.
Sweet Moss sweet and so in tune, when gathered in the afternoon.
When bubbles about, sweeter Sweet Moss sprout.
Sweet Moss is just so, well, sweet. And more so if purple Fae follow you, I was told to say.
Sweet Moss (Location Proverb 1)
In Tir Na Nog where fairies sneeze, Pour Honey on the stumps of trees.
Sweet Moss (Location Proverb 2)
Do not go and take a dump! Just go pour honey on a stump!
Sweet Moss (Use Proverb)
Put some Sweet Moss in your dinner, To make your rumpy skills a winner.


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Stirling Button Moss StewSee your GP after eating.


You can offer this item to Naida, Druida, Freyl, Hyalis, Aurore and Morwenna.