Lovers Truffle

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Lovers Truffle
You won't get in a scuffle with a lover's truffle.
1 15
2 24
3 30
4 36
5 45


You won't get in a scuffle with a lover's truffle.

Quality Conditions

  • My mam said don't you go picking Lovers Truffle at Dusk, as they are more powerful and I said, but that's good isn't it mam?
  • Winter's bite makes Lovers Truffle hold in the flavour. A pity the ground is so hard to try dig them out!
  • Lovers Truffle really do love the damp from fog.
  • The deepest Lovers Truffles are said to be so rich and tasty.


Lovers Truffle location 1By dirty patches, where trees sleep, Lovers Truffle buried deep.Cunning Plots
Lovers Truffle location 2Autumn rains soak the ground, And in Winter too they can be found.Naida's Glory



You can offer this item to Naida.