Edward Teapott

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Candlewych West


Baby Kid Adult Elder



NamePrank the Kettles
DescriptionPrank the Kettles to lower their friendship level. Try various methods such as pouring poo, slingshot and hated gifts.
FriendlyGood to meet someone so likeable. Always great to have an ally in this day and age. You never know who might be plotting against you. IT'S THEM! THE KETTLES! Sorry about that. I just get so easily wound up like a beetle on a string.
LikeI am glad we are getting to know each other more. Just please don't let the poison tongues of others sway you. Keep a handle on those Kettles, basically. We didn't always used to be this way. I was married to Holly, and we moved in here. Then I saw how she looked at Ignatius. And she saw how I looked at Edna. We had some Hobbled Goblin, dinner, one thing led to another, and I realised I liked the smell of mustiness and the way light reflected off Edna's moustache. By that same end, Holly wanted a candy daddy, and so here we are.
LoveI have been thinking about you a lot. Not in that way. Yet. I think you could really help me out to get one over on the Kettles. Could you prank them? Just get one of them to dislike you more. That'll show them that you prefer us and really get under their skin
CompleteHa! You properly pranked the Kettles! That showed them! Possibly. Am beginning to think we are a bit childish and that we have lost sight of what is important in life. Friendship, love, family. Though I have to admit pouring poo in someone's house is really funny and brightens any day.