What Is The Wottyzit? Just What Is It?

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What Is The Wottyzit? Just What Is It? by Amos E Wall

Some Fae creatures go against the grain of secrecy and sometimes show themselves in times of need.

The Brounie has been known to sometimes make itself known, as do the Gillywiddle, the Thatterway and the Fnartyfnarnar, which I bet you struggled to say.

However, the most common of these little creatures is the Wottyzit.

When a person is new to an area, they may see these sparkling little entities fluttering around points of interest.

If something is of use, the Wottyzit will draw attention to it.

The Wottyzit will not go away unless the object is interacted with. It is as though the creature is insisting that it has your full attention.

Once satisfied, the Wottyzit will fly away, happy.

Well, as happy as a floating, blinking, glowing, flappy eye can be.