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There are a number of Tools you can gain and use to help you throughout your life. Some of these can be made of various materials which changes their benefit, and most can be levelled up through usage to give them extra perks.

The Axe, Pickaxe and Slingshot unlock Auto-Collect at Tool Level 5.


Harvest crops and cut down wildflowers and long grass.

Ore Type (Sickle)

Name Description
Tin Sickle Used by cereal killers.
Zinc Sickle Come a cropper.
Copper Sickle Hay there, nice cut!
Iron Sickle Revolutionary.
Luminium Sickle A little light cutting.
Shadderwryth Sickle Fairy good at cutting.
Abysstone Sickle The deepest cut is the darkest.
Hyalite Sickle That's acute sickle.

Sickle Levelling

The more you use your tools, the more experience you gain with that tool.

As you rise through the ranks of proficiency your tools gain passive bonuses that are always in effect.

Unlock Auto-Collect at Tool Level 5.

Tool Rank Bonus
Neophyte Default
Novice Small chance of a seed drop when used.
Apprentice Small chance of an increased yield when used.
Journeyman Good chance of a seed drop when used.
Craftsman Good chance of an increased yield when used.
Artisan Great chance of a seed drop when used.
Adept Great chance of an increased yield when used.
Expert High chance of a seed drop when used.
Master High chance of an increased yield when used.
Legendary Increased star rating when used.


Uncover digspots with a dog following (or via use of Divine Diviner arcane item).

Ore Type (Shovel)

The ore type of your shovel changes the types of items you can potentially dig up.

Name Description
Tin Shovel Does what it says on the shovel.
Zinc Shovel I dig it.
Copper Shovel Has quality in spades.
Iron Shovel I really dig it.
Luminium Shovel A little light digging.
Shadderwryth Shovel Makes you down.
Abysstone Shovel Sunder land til I die.
Hyalite Shovel Not dirt cheap.

Shovel Levelling

As you use a tool you gain proficiency with that type of tool via experience.

Gain enough experince to level up your abilities and gain access to passive bonuses.

Tool Rank Bonus
Neophyte Default
Novice Negligble chance of digging up extra loot.
Apprentice Small chance of digging up extra loot.
Journeyman Decent chance of digging up extra loot.
Craftsman Good chance of digging up extra loot.
Artisan Great chance of digging up extra loot.
Adept High chance of digging up extra loot.
Expert Very High chance of digging up extra loot.
Master Highest chance of digging up extra loot.
Legendary Increased star rating when digging up loot.


Carry poo to fertilise your crop squares or pour to prank.

Ore Type (Bucket)

Name Description
Tin Bucket For carrying liquids...the drinkable variety.
Zinc Bucket You can't handle the truth.
Copper Bucket Use with proper conduct.
Iron Bucket Hard to handle.
Luminium Bucket The preference of pale-entologists..
Shadderwryth Bucket Do not put it on your head.
Abysstone Bucket Haul for one and one for haul.
Hyalite Bucket Hard as a bucket of nails.

Tool Levelling

The bucket can't be levelled through experience