Sugar Plums

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They taste great with nuts and crackers.

1 12
2 17
3 22
4 28
5 32
Star Rating Conditions
If people love you, then apparently Sugar Plums absorb that for extra sweetness.
Ding-a-ding a ding-a-ding! Sugar Plums you shoot with Sling. Ding-a-ding a ding-a-dong. Make sure it's an Level 8 (or higher) one.
I ate a Sugar Plum once. Plucked during the strange mists that seep over Tir Na Nog.
Sugar Plums eh? Well, it is said they sprout big n juicy around those who are cursed. Weird!
Sugar Plum (Location Proverb 1)
Gnomes and Fairies are never glum, When they pick the Sugar Plum.
Sugar Plum (Location Proverb 2)
On days that are multiple of two, Sugar Plums will bloom so true.
Sugar Plum (Use Proverb)
Keep workers happy, healed and dumb, With a treat of Sugar Plum.


Tir Na Nog




You can offer this item to Druida.