Songstrell Flower

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I don't like their tone.

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I once found a piece of paper nailed to my door that said 'Pick Songstrells in the morning'. I think they got the wrong house.
Did you hear that shout last night? "Songstrells at dawn! Songstrells at dawn!" it said.
Get married and pick Songstrells. The plant of the fairies just loves the smell of wedded bliss.
Springtime always puts a song in my heart. Works for flowers, too, apparently.
Songstrell (Location Proverb 1)
Hear their songs through henge doors, Where strange grasses line the floors.
Songstrell (Location Proverb 2)
Nowt can make the Songstrell rise, Unless they hear musical surprise.
Songstrell (Use Proverb)
Songstrell makes the Gossip flow, And gives wounds and cuts a serious blow.



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