Running an Apothecary

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Running an Apothecary by Auntie Septic

Running an apothecary can be a tough but rewarding business.

When the apothecary is open, patients will come in and line up.

Ring the bell, and a patient will step forward, and you can ask them what the problem is.

If poorly, the patient will tell you their symptoms.

You then need to head to the crafting room and interact with any station.

The Medical Tome will appear, and within it, you will find specific cure recipes for certain types of malady and afflictions.

Select the recipe cure, and put the ingredients into the crafting basket. You can filter by cure relevant ingredients.

Click the Craft button to go to the crafting stage.

Your Ledger can let you hire/fire, schedule workers, check your accounts and so on.

Use the tabs to look through the different categories.

The shelves at the rear of the apothecary are used to store crafted items and also to order stock.

You can store materials for your workers to use in the crafting room cupboard.

Help on how to use each crafting station can be found in my other books...

A Guide to Creams

Powder Making for Beginners

The Potion Crafting Handbook