Obscura & Curiouser

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Obscura & Curiouser by Anne Teak

Welcome to Anne Teak's roadshow.

In this issue, we examine a rather incredible artefact owned by a Mr Twig of Dreamers Nook.

This remarkable lantern is definitely of unknown origin but is neither manmade nor Fae. The etchings have a kind of otherworldly quality, as though handcrafted by a race of technologically superior beings.

There are four spaces for what I could only presume are glass lenses, and it is what they might bring to the party that fascinates.

Historically, and in legends, such lanterns were keys to secret doorways.

Value? Well, it is in fine condition, but without the lenses, its value is the same as any old tin lantern one might procure from a wandering trader.

With the lenses and in working condition, then it is priceless.

Next time I will be looking at some old rusted tat and a pair of arcane socks that once belonged to my ex-husband.