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The inventory lets you manage your items and view your collections. Storage space in your inventory is limitless, so can collect everything you lay your hands on.

Inventory Tabs


The tabs split your items into varying types:

  • Food - Fruit & Veg, Fish, Herbs, Cooked Food, Misc food
  • Items: Seeds, Flowers, Gifts, Apothecary, Monster Parts, Misc Items
  • Equipment: Tools, Containers, Weapons, Arcane, Misc Equipment
  • Collections: Key items, Insects, Recipes
  • Proverbs: Fruit & Veg, Fish, Flowers, Herbs, Monster Parts, Misc
  • Books: Lore, Useful, Nonsense


The Hotbar is for mouse users to drag items to for quicker access. You can use the Mousewheel to cycle through them, or use the number keys to select an item on the Hotbar. You can also just click on the item's icon on the Hotbar.


Using items

You can click on any item and get options for it if relevant. For example, clicking on food will let you eat or hold that item.