How to Avoid Poisoning Your Family

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How to Avoid Poisoning Your Family by R. Sennick

Almost every Quillian household has a family recipe book in which generations of brave epicurean innovators have recorded their experiments. Of course, some books have more completed pages than others, depending on the enthusiasm and survival rate of the writers. Use your own book for guidance and inspiration as you start your own gastronomic adventures.

Traditionally, the books are split into sections for each type of recipe, with handy little tabs to help you find things in a hurry - who wants to read about healthy soups when they're desperate to make a lovely sweet squishy pudding? It's always lovely to add new pages to these sections as you discover new taste sensations - don't forget to add scrumptious drawings too!

Cooking can often reveal stronger traits than were present in the raw ingredients. Don't forget to note these down once you've discovered them by making a recipe - grandma will not be pleased if you serve her a warning-free Cursefish Cake just before she attends the Summertide Ritual. Equally, making the appropriate dish can be really helpful in so many areas of your life: from relationships and marriage to monster smiting and shopping.

It's worth experimenting with better quality ingredients as your culinary confidence grows. Although they can be challenging to find and trickier to cook, it will be well worth it for the fantastic quality of your finished food.