Dairy of a Milkman
Dairy of a Milkman by G.Rimsdale
[Excerpts from a very long diary]
Day 232 - I forgot to make an Offering yesterday morning before my delivery round. Now all the milk is curdled.
Day 245 - That bloody cat! The Comb woman has a cat that is a real terror, so I gave it some milk spiced with a little Go-Easy Potion from Sipp & Winters.
Day 246 - I slipped on the Comb woman's front path. Realised it was cat poo. There was like a river of it. Too much potion?
Day 247 - Cat suspects me! Every time I go to that house, it hisses at me. Must keep a low profile.
Day 254 - Slept with Old Betty, the bearded lady. Drowned my guilt with 3 pints of milk.
Day 255 - Threw up all morning, so went to the Apothecary for a cure. Turns out I had drank curdled milk. Yep, forgot my offerings again.
Day 279 - Not much has happened lately but today saw Juliet Alpha having it away with Romeo Bravo in the hay behind her husband's garden shed.
Day 283 - Curse those Brounies! I forgot my offerings and my prize cows now honk every time I squeeze their udders.
Day 303 - Considering offering myself to the Goddesses on Rebirth Day so I can finally die and come back as a fungus.