Cooking Brilliant!

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Cooking Brilliant! by Gordon Bleugh

******* recipes are ******* brilliant! Follow a ******** recipe, and you can gain all sorts of **** hot effects.

One can increase their speed, making them ******* faster than a hare!

How about extra strength for throwing or hitting ***** in the face? Want to see in the dark? Cook a ******* carrot-based recipe and the night clears like a ****.

Pies and cakes can be baked in brick kilns, and you can stick any old **** in a pie, and it will likely taste great!

One thing to remember, though, you *****, is that ingredients have Traits, so watch what you are cooking unless you want to **** like a Dragon.

Another thing to know when cooking or baking is to watch the ******* temperature. Too hot and the **** spoils, or too much rise and the ****** pops.

Now get cooking, you *****!