Briar: The Fae Realms Vol III:

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Briar: The Fae Realms Vol III: by Amos E Wall

Briar. The Realm of the Fel Fae. Cold, lonely, bitter, yet eerily beautiful.

The quiet snowy lanes, lit by arcane blood candles, are edged by silent hedgerows.

Twisted trees hide warrens and foxholes in their unseen depths.

The Fel, Hare and Fox-headed shapeshifters dwell in their lairs, hatching their plans and creating mischief.

A love of pranks is their thrill, or gambling, or drinking of fine brews.

They rarely socialise, but when they do, they meet at The Crossroads, a ramshackle inn with a bird-headed barkeep.

Briar is a disturbing land, and the eye can often be tricked into seeing tortured souls and spectral figures in the snow, but then they are gone.

It is a sad, sad place, but in their warm, well-lit burrows, one can only imagine the goings-on to pass the endless time.