Bogeyman Fungus

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Snot fair.

1 9
2 13
3 16
4 21
5 24
Star Rating Conditions
To find the best green fungus, I have heard, be accompanied by a matching bird.
I hate to be the bearer of such tidings, but apparently, harvesting Bogeyman Fungus in the first week of summer adds to their star rating. Whatever that is.
Best to use a good, sharp sick on Bogeyman Fungus. Get a good clean cut, or you'll end up covered in plant snot!
Only those who have mastered Exploration Skills can pick the very best Bogeyman Fungus.
Bogeyman Fungus (Location Proverb 1)
In the deepest mines the Obscura shows, Bogeyman Fungus and where it grows.
Bogeyman Fungus (Location Proverb 2)
Water poured on subterranean stumps, Makes Bogeyman Fungus grow in clumps.
Bogeyman Fungus (Use Proverb)
Bogeyman Fungus shares Bogeyman gaits, Shy and big and give random traits.



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Lewis Flushing


Ghoul HashDead Tasty.


You can offer this item to Hyalis.