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There are a number of other non-romancable and non-aging NPCs you can find on your travels.

Traders - these fellas and their giant boars can be found in 2 locations in each haven on different days. Traders that sell combat-only items can be found near the entrances to the combat zones.

Wanderers - these NPCs have no name and can't be gifted or have full interactions. They wander the land adding colour and life.

Event Master - this jolly chap will present the various competitions throughout the land, such as the Flower Show, Bake-Off and Vegetable Show.

Race Organiser - hosts the pig/chicken/sheep races and will take your entry fee.

Auctioneer - hosts the pig/chicken/sheep auctions.

Marble Toss Organiser - runs the throwing game stand in Festival Green.

Witch Hunter - turns up in the evenings in Homesteads tavern and hands out combat-related tasks.