Other NPCs

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There are a number of persistent and useful NPCs that you can find on your travels.

Many of them provide a service to the player and open up many possibilities...


The Travelling Trader and their giant boars can be found in multiple locations, at least two in each of the havens. These traders are active on different days so be sure to keep an eye on your calendar.

Traders that sell combat-only items can be found near the entrances to the Dark Forests, whereas the traders who sell more homely goods can be found nearer the local villages.

Trader 01 Final.png


These NPCs have no name, they can't be gifted items and have no desire for a full conversation. They wander the land adding colour and life to the villages. They will also spend money in your businesses!

Wanderer 01 Final.png

Master of Events

This jolly chap will present the various competitions throughout the land, such as the Flower Show, Bake-Off and Vegetable Show.

Event Master 01 Final.png

Race Organiser

When the event comes around, the Race Organiser will host the Animal Racing, taking your entry fee and offering rewards for successful wins.

Race Organiser 01 Final.png


When the event comes around, the Auctioneer will host an Animal Auction. These take place in the various markets adjacent to all villages.

Auctioneer 01 Final.png

Marble Toss Organiser

Runs the Marble Toss stand in Festival Green. Beat the high score for a chance to win prizes.

Marble Toss Organiser 01 Final.png


The Witchhunter is present in the Homesteads tavern after dark to hand out combat-related bounties.

Witch Hunter 01 Final.png

High Priest

Performs the various rituals and ceremonies around Quill. You'll need to talk to him in Loverwood to set yourself on the road to marriage...or divorce!

Priest 01 Final.png


The father of Lyric and a cosmic wheeler-dealer. If it fell off the back of a galactic truck or gained from fools and space horses...Jack will sell it. Simply ring the Cosmic Bell and he will be there faster than you could half-inch a tiny ruler. You can meet him yourself in the Visit Voide part of the main story.



Star-child in every sense of the word. Lyric came to Quill in search of ancient musical legends, and to get away from her overbearing and morally dubious dad, Jack-of-All-Trades. Lyric is a musician who loves nothing better than tapping your spine with heavy riffs and melting your ear wax. Gain her trust though, and she can be very helpful. She can be found in the main story beats, A meeting with Lyric and Visit Voide.


Thunderblast Exorcism

Thunderblast Exorcism were an ancient musical troupe of colourful performers who excelled at deafening people. Their members are Chez Long, Jammy Handbricks and Axel Grease. Thunderblast started as a small folk band called The Merrywhackers before finding their feet as soft rock group, TurtlesHead. At the height of their infamy as Thunderblast Exorcism, the stage was struck by lightning and they went out with a bang. You can encounter them as part of the Story in the section titled Infernal Noise'.
