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Latest revision as of 14:16, 26 September 2024


When you enter any combat zone, you are presented with the combat loadout screen.

Collect, craft and harvest various weapons, tools and items to better equip yourself for the battle ahead.

The bare minimum you need to enter combat is a swords, but for higher difficulties, it's in your best interest to stock up and get prepped.


Each slot on the loadout allows for equipping a different selection of items, each with its own pros and cons.

Aim to tailor your loadout to the enemies you'll be facing.


You can equip two types of swords. Each sword comes with its own strengths and weaknesses as well as damage bonuses. Whilst you'll usually want the swords that hits the hardest, some swords will do bonus damage to troublesome enemies.

Your bow is automatically equipped

You can equip Wards and Charms.

  • Wards provide defences from attacks.
  • Charms buff the player with stat increases or unique passive bonuses.

Combat items are available anytime, so do not need to be equipped here. They do have a cooldown for use, though.

Effigies are always equipped, as long as you have one in your inventory, but only one of each type can be used in battle. Choose wisely when to deploy them, after charging them through dealing damage.

Up to two pets can be brought along into combat with you. Each animal type has different attacks and abilities. Experiment to see which ones suit your playstyle.

Animals act autonomously, so make sure to keep them well-fed and in a good mood to get the most out of them.

If you just want to get into the battle as quickly as possible. Use the Auto Equip to fill out your loadout with a selection of weapons and items. It might not be the optimum loadout but it will get you through most battles.