Pappy Cowe

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LocationCowpat Farm
HouseBad Manor


Baby Kid Adult Elder



NameGet milk for Pappy from a Bumbabloopfnoop
DescriptionGet milk for Pappy from a Bumbabloopfnoop. This is a strange Fae creature. Use a jar or bucket when next to one.
LoveOi, you! I need to ask yer sommat. I have a problem, see. I love milk. I can't get enough of the stuff. Cow milk is acceptable, but its creaminess is limited. What I need is the right kind of creature to milk. And that is where you come in.

I heard a rumour you know how to see the Fae and visit them. I also know from being old and well-read that a fairy creature exists, the Blobbalobbadobba or something silly like that. The milk from one of those is richer than the Lawne's of Mellowfields. I would love to sup on that before I perish and likely come back as a newt.

If you could get me some milk from one of those, then you can have the code to my own family secret box. My terrible family don't deserve to get their hands on my heirloom!
CompleteThanks for that. You ain't such a bad one. Every time you bring me a bucket or jar of that stuff, I will pay you 10 Brass. Sound fair?