Murder Most Fowl

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Available at GM Tier 2 Rep.

Candlewych Village Noticeboard: ‘Missing chickens’ ‘Help needed. Chickens gone missing from Testy Acres. See Worzel Scrumpy’

Accept and speak to Worzel. Task added: Speak to Worzel about chickens Description: Worzel Scrumpy’s chickens have gone missing. Speak to him for more information. He lives in Testy Acres. He’s clucking furious!

“Oh, come to help me find my chickens have ya? Something was creeping about last night and scared em off. I found droppings leading north, but that’s it. If you find em, can you bring em back to their coop? They won’t have left the Vale I’d wager. Probably gone somewhere quiet and secret.”

Task updated: Find chickens Desc: Search for the missing chickens in the Vale. They are in a group of 3. Get them to follow you and bring them back to the coop.

Chickens are located in the secret mapstone area in Cuckoo Wood. Speak to any NPC and ask for Task Info and they will say “Lost chickens you say? I heard some clucking when I was in the woods recently. Funny sounding cuckoos I thought!”.

Once returned, task updates to ‘Speak to Worzel Scrumpy’. Desc: Talk to Worzel Scrumpy to get your reward.

Worzel: “Oh, you found the little beggars! Thanks muchly. There’s been strange stuff happenin’ lately. Strange noises, bad moods, trees bent out of shape. Strange stuff is brewing for sure. Anyway, here’s yer reward”. Player given 30 Brass and 20FP.