Icabod Moon

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Icabod Moon
Age 48
Haven Vale
Location Candlewych Village
House Halfmoon House



Baby Kid Adult Elder



NameGet Icabod a copper sword
DescriptionGet Icabod a copper sword. You can buy one or craft one or even win one!
FriendlyI didn't always want to be a shopkeeper, you know? When I was a lad, I wanted to be an adventurer. I would leap around with my wooden sword and chop the heads off deadly dandelions. So it is just unfortunate that one day while I was fighting a bush beast, I was actually attacked by a vicious blue goblin thing. It ran at me yelling, and I was out of there faster than you can pass a prune pie. So that put an end to my dreams. Sad eh?
LikeI am getting itchy hands, and I feel we are friends now, so I don't mind telling you this. I am thinking about getting myself a sword and visiting that nasty little goblin brute if I find him in Simplewood. I'll give him a fright the little blue toilet pot.
LoveI trust you so much. So I have taken the advice you didn't give me and am going to go be the warrior I always dreamed of. I will face off against those denizens and have at them. If you could get me a sword, that would be good as I am too scared to ask the smithy.
CompleteOk, I am going now! Right now! See you soon with a bagful of monster parts! Blue brute parts!