Celia Salt

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Celia Salt
Age 20
Haven Summerdown
Location Poppyhill
House Gilthearth
SpouseRock Salt
ChildRoman Salt



Baby Kid Adult Elder



NameTake Roman to pick Copper ore
DescriptionTake Roman to pick five lumps of Copper Ore. Use the Follow command on interact.
FriendlyI suppose you are one step closer to our inner circle. We are very picky who we let get to know us. People are jealous of our wealth and influence.

Do you know, though, that Rock and I built our fortune through hard work and toil in the copper mines?

Yes! Unbelievable, I know to think that someone like me could swing a pickaxe, but I did. How I managed to keep my soft hands intact, I will never know!
LikeI like that you work hard and always seem to be moving. It's like you have an endless list of tasks keeping you busy. I appreciate a hard worker. Unfortunately, I feel that Rock and I were jinxed with a child who wants for nothing. He wants everything. We should really teach him the joys of earning your rewards. You seem to understand that to get rewards, you must put in a bit of elbow butter.
LoveWould you do me a favour?

Roman is a layabout child. I think he needs to experience hard work and get a sense of who his family were. So, to that end, could you take him on a tour of the mines and get some ore while he watches?

Five lumps of Copper will do.
CompleteThank you. I hope that opens his eyes a bit to what toil is. I know I could have taken him but I felt a bit lazy to be honest