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Controls > Gamepad / Mouse & KB / Hints & Tips

Kynseed can be played equally well with Gamepad and Mouse & Keyboard.

Both of these methods can be remapped to your liking in Settings.


World Controls (minigame and combat controls etc are shown on their relevant pages).

Left Stick = Move character. Click in the Left Stick to trigger any Thatterway you have set.

Right Stick = Player facing direction / targetting (use to direct thrown items / point the lantern). Click in the Right Stick to bring up Bubble Help. Choose a bubble with LS and A. B to back out.

A = interact / Pick up (hold when targetting an NPC or pet to bring up the interaction options, then select one with Left Stick and let go of A). X, Y , B = Hold to bring up the radial of items. Push up or down on Left Stick to change category, and left or right on Left Stick to cycle through the items. Let go to assign. Tap X, Y or B to bring the item assigned to hand, ready for using or throwing. You can tap X, B or Y to put it away but keep it assigned.

Left Trigger - show status / name of NPC or object nearby.

Right Trigger - use assigned item currently in hand. If a toll, it will use the tool. If a thrown item, a targetting circle will appear that yu can move with Left or Right Stick, then let go of Right Trigger to throw.

Left Bumper - when you have gained the Pet Whistle, this will bring it up. LB to dismiss it again. LB also dismounts a pet that you are riding.

Right Bumper - walk slower if you are using the default Always Run. If your default speed is set to walk, then RB will make you run faster.

Start Button = Pause the game and bring up the Pause Menu, where you can check Progress, view Hints & Tips, change Settings, Quit etc.

Back Button = Bring up the Progress Screen.

KEYBOARD & MOUSE (Default controls - remember you can remap in Settings)

WASD = move character

Mouse = move cursor (its position is where the player will target, so you can run one direction and point a lantern in another, for example).

Left Mouse Button = interact /pick up / bring up interaction menu. Click on one of the interaction options presented.

Right Mouse Button = Use currently selected item on the hotbar.

Mouse Wheel = Cycle through hotbar items.

CTRL = toggle info above NPC / object

SHIFT = hold and move with WASD to walk slower. If you change your default speed to Walk, the Shift will run faster.