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Ceremony of Passing by L.Razor

We all know death is nothing to be afraid of. It is merely a new beginning, a passing from one form to another, and an opportunity to experience life in a whole new way.

It is strange to consider there was a time when such obvious pagan truths were forgotten, and people feared dying.

We know this because of records and relics unearthed from a Before Time.

Just think of the obscene rituals practised when old shells were buried in wooden boxes below the ground, stifling their souls with earth!

Could they possibly have forgotten the wholly natural process by which a person's shell is submerged in purifying waters, allowing their life energy to be released and renewed?

As the shell is reclaimed by the Fae realms, the soul flies freely through branch and leaf, sky and cloud, until it finds a new home.

What form our new shell takes is determined by the life we have led, so that those of us with a sweet nature might return as honeysuckle or strawberry bush, and those of us with a playful spirit might become a hare or a butterfly. Those driven by strong ethics might live on in the form of an ant or a bee.

There can be no more beautiful fate than to be part of this perfect process of growth and renewal, where the old feeds the new, and the gone replenishes the present. So be not scared, and be not troubled. You will see your loved ones again, breathing new life into the world in infinite ways. And you, too, will join the great dance of Nature one day.