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(Created page with " - Visit your sibling after this point and they'll point you to a rare recipe that they have learnt on their travels - Whilst this recipe has practical uses within the sandbox, it more importantly can create trigger a reaction within the Wrym - Your sibling explains that feeding the meal to the wrym changes its metabolism, allowing it to now poop out the final and rarest Ore in Quill - This ore can then be used to forge the sword needed to battle the Jabberwock Visit...")
(No difference)

Latest revision as of 08:53, 4 April 2023

- Visit your sibling after this point and they'll point you to a rare recipe that they have learnt on their travels - Whilst this recipe has practical uses within the sandbox, it more importantly can create trigger a reaction within the Wrym - Your sibling explains that feeding the meal to the wrym changes its metabolism, allowing it to now poop out the final and rarest Ore in Quill - This ore can then be used to forge the sword needed to battle the Jabberwock

Visit sibling after tier 8 activated. Story Task updated: Visit your sibling Desc: Go to speak to your sibling in Stonecrown

Speak to Sibling. Sibling: “A Vorpal Sword, eh? Aren’t they weapons of darkness? Well, if that’s what the Grandmaster says, then you must have one. And yet again, I am a fountain of knowledge for you to drink from. From what I gather, Vorpal Swords are made from Abysstone. And where do you get that rarest of metals?’s basically Wyrm poop. However, to get the Wyrm to poop it out, we need to feed it a certain foodstuff. I don’t know what that is, but Old Mother Hubbard may know. If she does help you, then feed that to the Wyrm and collect its poop. You don’t know where the Wyrm is?! Well, neither do I, and I have been everywhere. I expect it is somewhere underground, though! I’ll do some digging. Not literally. You go see Old Mother Hubbard and come back if you can get the recipe.”

Story task Updated: Speak to Mother Hubbard Desc: Go to Candlewych Cottage in the Vale and speak to Old Mother Hubbard

Speak to Hubbard: “Oh, hello! I was just thinking about you when up you pop, like some sort of corn that pops. A Wyrm? Laxatives? My dear, I don’t make recipes to give people the squirties! Instead, I bake goods that soothe the tum and are easy on the bum. Yet, seeing how this is to rid the land of evil, I will help. I do have something in my old cookery book that I wouldn’t wish on my worst enema. Here it is. Lambton Pie. Baked in ancient times to celebrate the killing of a particularly nasty wyrm. Of course, we don’t want to kill it, but this is one spice the wyrms won’t like!”

Gift recipe: Lambton Pie – ingredients Silverscale, Lorianth, Veill

Task updated: Bake the Lambton Pie Desc: Bake a Lambton Pie. Maybe make a few, you know, just in case.

Story task updated: Speak to sibling Desc: Return to your sibling in Stonecrown

Speak to sibling: Sibling: “Oh well done! That was unnervingly easy. I was expecting you to go on some big old fetch quest. Well, while you were gone, I had a rummage through my library, and what would you know? Well, not as much as I now do. There’s a passage in a book I found called ‘Legendary Wyrms – Where are they?’ that says a monstrous Wyrm the size of a tunnel dwells in the depths of Woemarsh. I can’t recall seeing any mines or caves in that region, but you can bet your last candy it will be in Dreadwaters, which was once a cave-dwelling community. Try there first. And please don’t let Daddy Long Legs get you.”

Story task updated: Find the Wyrm Desc: Search Woemarsh for the entrance to the mine where the Wyrm might be found. Dreadwaters is a good place to start. Actually, it’s a terrible place to start.

Go to Dreadwaters and enter the tomb. Daddy Long Legs appears in a cutscene.

Daddy speaks... “Fear not not not. He told me you were to be left alone. We made made made a trade. Seeking the Wyrm you are. That door. Down, down, down you must go. To the bottom. Then safe from me yes you are. Safe safe safe. Now go go go!”

After the cutscene ends, the topmost door opens. Enter the mine and follow it to the top right and exit to the Wyrm's Lair. Throw a Lambton Pie into the path of the Wyrm and collect the ore it poops. Do not get hit by the Wyrm as you will die and be revived for 1 year cost.