The Unwell

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GM Renown Tier 4

Blow the Calmonica in Wisptrail then go to Paige across the first bridge.

Paige: “That’s the one! Now we can get to Frogmarsh and the Dreadwaters gate. Meet me there when ready. If you go to Copperpot first, just be warned that the folk there are a bit moody, but that’s the problem I want you to help us with. See you in Frogmarsh…just go up then straight up again!

Go to the top of Frogmarsh to the gate where Paige awaits.

Paige: Glad you made it. These marshes can be tricksy. Now then, to the task at hand. We need your help. I never used to be this filled with bad feelings. It’s like a suffocating spirit has entered everyone here in Woemarsh. It is as though there is something in the water. I am convinced from my research that whatever has tainted us is beyond this gate. Please help us. I was told you were the one who could. I have this book that may help. So, when you have what is needed, meet me back here.”

Book added...

The Unwell – by Emma Nematode A poison once spread throughout the land. A poison so foul, the people who drank the waters containing it were filled with hatred and bloodlust. One day, a Fae, called Miffin Muffin, was travelling through the swamp when he came across a cave filled with bones and a dark well. He tasted the water to quench his thirst but spat it out in an instant, where it withered the moss in the cave. “This will not do! This will not do indeed!” he is said to have said. So the gnome returned home to Tir Na Nog and collected the purest water and returned. When he poured it into the well, there was a glow, and the water was now fresh and cleansed and delicious and yum. Miffin Muffin skipped happily out of the cave and bumped into Daddy Long Legs, and was never seen again.

Read the book to find info, which tells you the need water from the spring in Tir Na Nog.

  • Get magical water’

Desc: ‘Go to the fountain in north Tir Na Nog and collect the liquid there. Return with it to Paige at the gate to Dreadwaters.

Return to Paige after you collect the liquid.

  • Return to Paige

Paige: “You have the means to cleanse the Unwell? Then I shall open the gate for you. Be warned. You are about to enter Dreadwaters. Avoid HIM at all costs. The candles we placed everywhere keep HIM contained within. Do not let HIM get you. There may be a way to buy time if he sees you, but I do now know of it exactly. Take great care! If HE catches you, then you will die, so be warned.”

  • ‘Cleanse the Unwell’

Desc: ‘Take the cleansing water to the Unwell and interact to use it. You do not need to have it equipped. Watch out for the inhabitant of Dreadwaters. If he catches you, it is instant death, and Mr Fairweather will have to revive you!’.

Enter Dreadwaters after 7pm and stand on the 3 switches dotted around the upper level. Avoid Daddy Long Legs who will kill you for 1 year Fairweather life tax cost if he catches you.

When the 3 switches are stood on (stand on them for a couple of seconds to activate), the tomb door will open. Find the Unwell in the centre of the tomb and interact.

The Unwell is cleaned and the player is returned to Paige.

Paige: “You did it! Already I feel so much better! It’s like a huge weight of hatred has been lifted. Goddesses bless you. Please take this book as a reward. It tells you more about us folks of Woemarsh. You may find it insightful. Oh, joyous day!”

Book added... The Folk of Woemarsh – by E.Longated

Thousands of years ago, a group of happy colourful souls would dress up in costumes, dye their hair fabulous colours, make wooden swords and head off on quests they invented for fun. This group wandered into the swamps of what we now call Woemarsh and were never seen by their families again. They lived on, deep in the swamp, and kept their customs. Their descendants continued these customs, and although their meaning was lost over time, the colour and fashion remained, passed down. The people discovered that the swamp provided energy from the gasses there and lit and warmed their homes using it. The gas, however, made all their eyes a curious pink colour. After The Agreement, machines and technology were mostly outlawed, but the Goddess Morwenna looked on them kindly, due to their ecological sensitivity, and gave the people of Woemarsh immortality in return for their absolute loyalty and a pact that they would continue to look after the marshes and the wildlife there.