Rose Thorn

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HouseThe Rainbow


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NameGive Rose a Morwenna Effigy
DescriptionGive Rose a Morwenna Effigy. Find one, win one or buy one.
FriendlyThe spirits give me a good feeling about you. And yet, there is also something else. Something intriguing. That's not necessarily bad! Let's say I think you have an interesting soul.

Would you like me to tell you your fortune? Read your palm? Gaze into a crystal ball? Scatter some bones? Horoscope? Water divining? Cup of tea?

Actually, I best not keep you. And I don't do those ancient occult things anyway. I just find you interesting and would like to get to know you more.
LikeWhen I was a little girl, I found a dead rabbit in a hawthorn bush. I noticed that it had one eye missing; poor mite. I picked it up, took it home and hid it under my bed. Every night I would talk to it and sing to it. I think I hoped it might suddenly wake up.

When my mother found it, she was furious. "It belongs in nature to go back into nature!" she shouted, and she threw it back into the bushes. A few years later, I heard a noise in the garden and looked out of the window. There was a rabbit sitting looking directly at me. I know what you are thinking. Did it have one eye?

No, no it didn't. It ran off.
LoveI have another tale to tell you about when I was a young girl, dear.

My father would whittle wood to make little effigies to honour the Goddesses. I would play with them on the front step and pretend they were talking and eating together and controlling everything. Father would be sitting in his rocking chair, smoking a pipe, and as the sun set, the long shadows would creep across the garden. Idyllic times.

I still have the wooden effigies in my keepsake box, but one is missing. Morwenna, Goddess of Beasts. If you could help me get one, I would truly know your spirit is true.