The Folk of Woemarsh

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The Folk of Woemarsh by E.Longated

Thousands of years ago, a group of happy, colourful souls would dress up in costumes, dye their hair fabulous colours, make wooden swords and head off on quests they invented for fun.

This group wandered into the swamps of what we now call Woemarsh and were never seen by their families again.

They lived on, deep in the swamp, and kept their customs.

Their descendants continued these customs, and although their meaning was lost over time, the colour and fashion remained.

The people discovered that the swamp provided energy from the gasses and lit and warmed their homes using it. The gas, however, made all their eyes a curious pink colour.

After The Agreement, machines and technology were mostly outlawed. Still, due to their ecological sensitivity, the Goddess Morwenna looked on them kindly and gave the people of Woemarsh immortality in return for their absolute loyalty and a pact that they would continue to look after the marshes and the wildlife there.